Brake pad and its types

Brake is one of the most essential parts of a car and this issue is not hidden from anyone. This system is made of different parts that work together to stop the car.

One of the main and most important parts of it is the brake pad. Any problem in this part can cause the car to stop and face a new problem.

This section of the site is prepared to introduce and familiarize you with brake pads. Throughout this text, we will provide you with everything you need to know about the pad and ways to maintain it.

What is a brake pad?

Brakes are responsible for stopping the car. They can stop the moving car in an emergency. As you know, this work is not done only by pressing the pedal. Rather, it needs a frictional force to stop, which is provided by the pad. These parts have different types and are made in different materials.

Due to different reasons, closed brake pads have different life spans and depending on the function, material and other factors, they should be periodically checked and replaced.

What is the function of brake pads?

Brake pads consist of the following two parts:

  • shoe pad
  • Pad bite: This part is the friction that causes the car to stop.

When you press the brake pedal to stop, the pad bite sticks to the brake rotor and stops the car. The brake pad should be resistant to heat and wear and should not affect the brake cup.

What gender is the brake pad made of?

In the past, brake pads were produced from asbestos. Asbestos had a good performance and dispersed the generated heat. The only problem with using it was that it created dust when braking. For this reason, different types of brake pads, such as glass, rubber, resin, and organic and non-asbestos materials, have been produced and put on the market.

Of course, this type of new pads is only used in normal cars and is not used in heavy and racing cars due to high weight or high speed. As you know, sometimes racing cars stop at high speeds and this type of pads will not be suitable for them.

Types of brake pads

Brake pads are divided into the following five categories based on the bite of the pad, which we will discuss below. Each of them has differences in terms of appearance and gender and has a different life span.

Organic pad

In the first group of them, we deal with organic pads. This type of pads has a short lifespan and is cheaper than other brake pads. As the name suggests, organic brake pads are organic and no metals are used in their production.

Semi-metallic pad

Semi-metallic pads, also known as semi-metallic pads, have high strength. 40% copper has been used in their preparation and construction for higher friction and durability. Semi-metallic pads have a long life and their price is almost reasonable. One of the disadvantages of semi-metallic pads is that they make a lot of noise.

Metal pad

Metal pads have high resistance and have a good price in the market. Most of them are made of iron, copper, steel and graphite. Unfortunately, the weight of the metal pad is relatively high and causes corrosion of the router. Also, due to the high weight, it is not used in some cars such as racing cars. Another disadvantage that originates from its high weight is the increase in fuel consumption. In fact, the high weight of the pad affects the amount of fuel. Of course, one of the positive points of this type of pad is its proper performance when it gets hot.

Ceramic pad

Ceramic pads are among the most used pads in racing cars. This type of pads has a low weight, but their price is relatively high. Ceramic fibers, adhesives and fillers are used in their production and construction. Ceramic pads dissipate heat well and do not create dust. This function of them causes proper and accurate performance of ceramic pads.

Zinteri pad

This type of pads is not used in normal cars due to the durability and low performance of the brake system, and only some people use it in off-road vehicles.

Why should we replace the brake pads?

Maybe you have come across the word “Lent’s end” many times. The meaning of the end of the pad is that the friction surface of the pad has ended. In such a situation, the car’s brakes do not work properly and the stopping time increases. This issue can seriously affect the quality of driving and lead to various accidents.

When should we replace the brake pads?

Maybe this question has also arisen for you. In the previous section, we mentioned the end of brake pads. But what are the signs of running out of brake pads?

In old cars, drivers used to recognize this problem by pressing the brake pedal. In fact, if the brake pedal is healthy, it will react and stop when the car is pressed. Otherwise, the car will stop later.

In new cars, there are other solutions. If the oil level is below the standard value, your brake pads are worn out and it is time to replace them. Of course, before that, you should make sure that the oil tank is healthy.

Based on the above, most car experts suggest that every 15,000 kilometers, the brakes of the car should be checked by a mechanic. Also, if you want the car’s brakes to be more efficient, replace the car pads every 50,000 kilometers.

Signs that show it’s time to replace the brake pads:

First of all, it is the duty of the driver to periodically check the car parts and not neglect their repair or replacement. But sometimes, due to intellectual preoccupations, this issue is forgotten. As we said, brake pads should be checked periodically to avoid any problems. If the initial measures are not taken, the end of the pad or any other problem in it will appear with the following signs.

·       Brake warning light on

Brake warning sensors are used in most cars today. These lights are when there is a problem with the car’s brakes or when it’s time to replace them and you need to act on it.

It should be noted that the brake warning light turning on indicates a serious problem, and any carelessness or negligence can indicate a serious problem.

·       Reduced braking power

Decreasing the quality of the brake pad and showing any wear and tear in it will cause a decrease in the quality and power of the brake. Temperature increase, wear, corrosion, etc. can have a significant impact on braking power. As you know, braking power plays a role in car control and safety, and you will feel this condition when you have to brake heavily.

Note: Please take this issue seriously when faced with a decrease in braking power and immediately check or replace the brake pads.

·       Car pulling to one side when braking

Sometimes this condition occurs for some cars, when the brake pedal is pressed, the car pulls to one side such as left, right, forward or backward. In such a situation, the car’s brakes may face the following problems:

  • The following problems may occur in the brake plate.
  • If the suspension system is not aligned, such a situation will arise for your car.
  • If this happens, check the car’s tires. Because this happens if the car tire is worn.
  • It is possible that non-uniform corrosion has occurred in the tires. This will also happen in such circumstances.

According to the content and tips we provided, in such a situation, you should check two parts of the car, i.e. brake pads and tires.

·       Vibration in the car or in the pedal

One of the rumored problems that most drivers experience is vibration in the brake pedal or car. Keep in mind that the passage of time and excessive heat can have a direct effect on the lifespan and quality of the brakes. Excessive heat and the passage of time can cause warping or any other problem in the brake rotors. In such a situation and causing any problems in the router, the car pads and the router should be replaced.

Note: If this problem occurs, show the car to an expert as soon as possible and avoid driving it.

·       Noise is heard from the brake system

One of the signs that warn you to replace the pads is hearing noise from the brakes. If the brake pad is worn out or its time has come, a lot of noise will be heard from the brake system. Keep in mind that these sounds will be heard both when you press the brake pedal and normally.

On the other hand, if the brake pads are completely worn out, a grinding sound will be heard when the brake pedal is pressed. Hearing this sound means changing the brake pads as soon as possible. Because driving in such conditions is dangerous and the lives of its passengers are in danger.

·       Brake pedal stepping

Sometimes the car brake does not work properly and you feel the pedal stepping under your feet or you may press the brake pedal to the end, the occurrence of such a situation can be one of the signs of the end of the brake pad even though there is a problem with it.

·       Oiling of the pad surface

Any technical problem in the car can affect the health and efficiency of other parts. For example, the presence of some technical problems in the car can cause oil to leak onto the surface of the brake pad and cause problems for it.

·       Glass or polished surface on the pad

Identifying original car accessories and parts is not an easy task. Unfortunately, some people use low-quality or fake pads. Keep in mind that if the pads used are not of sufficient and standard quality, they will deteriorate faster and their surface will become glassy or polished.

Cracks or breaks on the pad

If you are one of those who use brakes at high speeds, then you should be careful about the pads breaking or cracking. Continuous braking at high speed causes sudden pressure on the brake pad at high temperature.

·       Pads sticking to the brake disc while you are not braking

Sometimes, due to the use of low-quality and non-standard pads, it is possible that the brake pad hits or sticks to the disc without pressing your foot on the brake pedal. In such a situation, you have no choice but to change the pads and you must act as soon as possible.

·       Whistling or snorting

Among the signs of changing the pads, we mentioned a lot of noise. But sometimes when pressing the brake pedal, a whistling or snorting sound is heard. These sounds occur due to impact and impact on the brake disc and indicate the time to replace the pads.

Factors that affect the lifespan of brake pads?

You can avoid wearing out or damaging car pads as much as possible by following a series of tips. As you know, the cost of repairing and buying car spare parts is relatively high. Therefore, it is better to be careful in maintaining them.

·       Driving route

You certainly know that the route you drive has a great impact on the longevity of your tires. For example, a car that operates in the city consumes brake pads faster. In other words, the lifetime of the brake pads of cars outside the city, such as freeways, is longer than that of cars working in the city.

In fact, the more the number of stops and restarts of the car, the faster the pad wears out. It is the same reason in the inner city level because a car may stop and start moving again many times during an hour.

·       Number of passengers

Remember that the number of passengers is closely related to the life of the pad. In fact, in a car with a relatively large number of passengers, the stopping distance is longer. In fact, it takes more pressure to stop and hold the car.

For example, private cars that carry only their family run out of pads later than passenger cars.

·       Brake pad quality

As we read in the pad types section, different pads with different genders will have different life spans. For example, because organic pads are cheap, they have a shorter lifespan than other pads. or ceramic pads, have the highest lifespan, but their cost and price are higher. Among them, half pads or low metal pads have a long life and an average price.

It is better to know that the front pads of the car wear out sooner than the rear pads. The reason is that most of the pressure is on the front pads of the car.

·       Distance

It is natural that the more distance you drive, the faster the pad will wear out and you will need to replace it. The least you can do to extend the life of your tires is to use your car only for the necessary distances.

·       How to drive

Driving style also affects the lifespan of car tires. In fact, the more aggressive and dangerous your driving, the sooner you will need to replace your pads.

Because when you use the brake at high speed and pressure, more pressure is applied to it.

·       Brake pedal stiffness

Brake pads are different according to the type of use and material. For example, pads that are rigid need time to warm up and perform properly. These types of pads are very durable if used correctly. This type of pad is used in most normal cars.

Some pads are soft and are for cars that drive at low speed. This type of pads should be used at low speed and if they are used at high speeds, they will melt and fall on the brake.

Some important points in increasing the life of the pad

Now that you are familiar with all the details of the brake pad and the factors affecting it, it is time to talk a little about increasing the life of the pad. In fact, in addition to observing the above, by doing these things, you can increase the lifespan of the brake pads.

  • Avoid sudden braking: Remember that any sudden braking can put a lot of pressure on the brakes and other parts of the car. In fact, you can take your foot off the brake pedal instead of consecutive brakes. For example, if you know that you are going to stop your car a little further, first take your foot off the gas pedal and finally press the brake pedal.
  • Brake earlier in traffic: As the braking time increases, the pressure on the pads decreases. You can press your foot on the brake and slow down the car before reaching the traffic.
  • Avoid aggressive driving: As mentioned above, aggressive driving reduces the lifespan of brake pads. By slightly correcting the way you drive, you will not only prevent the shortening of the life of the car, but also increase it. Aggressive and high-risk driving will result in frequent and frequent braking.
  • Avoid excess items in the car as much as possible: if you look in the booklet of the purchased cars, the maximum load that can be carried is mentioned in it. Any additional load can cause damage to car parts. Additional loads also affect the lifespan of the pads. Because the larger its volume and size, the more pressure is exerted on the brake system. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid it to extend the life of your car.
  • Use quality products: As we mentioned, the health of car parts is related to each other and any problem in them can affect the quality of other parts. Therefore, to increase the life of the brake pad, be careful in buying and choosing the parts that affect it.

What should we do after changing the brake pads?

Keep in mind that the pads you just installed may not perform properly. In fact, most experts suggest that you drive carefully for the first 5 kilometers so that the so-called brake pads fit. Any pressure or error on them can cause damage to the pads or the brake system, and any problem in the brake system can endanger the lives of car passengers.

Guide to buying brake pads and discs

During this article, we mentioned the brake disc several times. Remember that any action that causes damage to the brake pad can also affect the failure or cause a problem with the disc. But in general, the lifespan of this piece is longer than that of the pad.

Alarqam, sometimes due to the emergence of some issues and problems such as the thinning of the disc over time, I had to replace it along with the brake pads.

The quality and standard of car parts is one of the most important points that affect the quality of driving, the life of its parts and your health. On the other hand, price and cost are one of the main and important criteria in purchasing. GISP is a provider of all kinds of car parts. This company has solved the quality and price problems by doing a series of hierarchies.

You can find the products you want on the site and then contact us through the agents.

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